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Marshland High School

SEND Department and Policies

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Department

The philosophy of the department is to support students to gain the necessary skills that they require to become independent learners before they leave the school. The policies and processes we adhere to in the SEND Department can be viewed by clicking on the link opposite.

Key Staff

Supported by Learning Mentors

Literacy Support

Literacy support takes place in lessons and by withdrawal with programmes running during registration.  These interventions aim to boost students’ literacy levels and confidence.

Within year 7 and 8, literacy lessons run on a weekly or fortnightly basis with a focus on reading, comprehension, spelling and handwriting predominantly completed in small groups running 3 - 5 times a fortnight. 

The Accelerated Reader program is software that tests reading comprehension.  Students select books for their reading level, reading independently, and taking an independent comprehension test on the computer.  For students who need more intensive support in relation to reading only, we use Read, Write Inc (FreshStart) interventions for completion before or after school, as well as form time.

Dyslexia support is generally within the classroom with teachers and support staff on hand. Marshland High School uses the ‘IDL Intervention Program’ to support reading and spelling.  Sessions run in form times, but it is also used on a daily basis, meaning access at home is important.

Numeracy Support

Numeracy support takes place in lessons and by withdrawal predominantly during registration.  The aim of numeracy intervention is to boost confidence and ability. We may offer additional small group teaching instead of in-lesson teaching.

Social Communication Group

This group supports students to overcome barriers presented due to social and communication difficulties. The majority of this intervention is run during form time. Students are withdrawn from lessons, for a time limited period, to access this support when a higher level of support is needed.

Movement Circuit

A sensory motor skills programme is run during registration time to support students in being ready for the school day both physically and mentally.

Touch Typing

A touch typing programme is run during registration time to support students typing skills.

Other interventions within school

In addition to the above, Marshland High school offer a variety of interventions aimed at individual needs. As with all interventions, these may take place during lesson time. We understand that this is essential at times to enable us to ensure individualised support for students is in place. The interventions do not impact core subjects and there is a time limit on these interventions to ensure that they do not impact on a student's learning and our aspiration for them to access the school's curriculum. For further information on these interventions, please refer to the SEND Information Report or contact the school.

The policies and processes we adhere to can be viewed or downloaded from the table below.

Special Educational Needs Policy and Disability Information Report

Marshland High School values high quality teaching and provision for all students. We aim to create a learning environment which is flexible enough to meet the needs of all members of our school community, including those identified as SEND.
The SEND Information Reportforms part of the Norfolk Local Offer for learners with Special Educational Needs and is a guide to our Special Educational Needs and Disability at Marshland
High School. Our Special Educational Needs Policy can be found here.


At Marshland High School we believe in equal opportunities for all children, irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender, physical disabilities or ability. It is our belief that they should provide a learning environment that is motivating, exciting and caring, in order for a child to develop a sense of high self-esteem and academic achievement and to be able to fulfil their potential.

Code of Practice

This document contains the statutory guidance for organisations who work with and support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities from 0 to 25 years.

Managing Medical Conditions Policy 

Marshland High School is an inclusive community that welcomes and supports students with medical conditions. We provide all students with any medical condition the same opportunities as others at the school by ensuring all staff understand their duty of care to children and young people in the event of an emergency.

Norfolk's Local Offer

As part of the ongoing preparation for the introduction of the Children and Families Act, Norfolk LA is working with partners to produce its ‘local offer.’