Pastoral Support System
Our school has a well-established Pastoral system which aims to ensure that continuous supervision is kept over your child’s social and personal development alongside their academic progress.
Pastoral Team and Tutor Team
Our Pastoral team is led by Mr Crawley, Deputy Headteacher, with non-teaching support staff providing pastoral care to our student body. Daily meetings focus on support strategies to help students make progress academically as well as considering their emotional wellbeing. Pastoral support staff deal with any incidents that may occur, enabling situations to be investigated and resolved quickly and effectively.
Every student is under the care of a tutor and each year group has their own non-teaching Pastoral Manager. Form tutors develop an understanding and detailed knowledge of each individual’s personality and capabilities. The Pastoral Manager supports students in a variety of ways including promoting good attendance, making sure behaviour sanctions and support are in place, deal with mental health issues and support students if there are issues at home. Each of the Pastoral Managers are safeguarding trained and will deal with safeguarding concerns as they arise. The Pastoral Managers are as follows:
Year Group | Pastoral Managers |
Year 7 | Miss Chandler |
Year 8 | Mrs C Stearne |
Year 9 | Mrs S Hobbs |
Year 10 | Miss K Palmer |
Year 11 | Mr R Sedgley |
Student Attendance |
S Byrne |
Student Counsellor | L Wright |
If you have any concerns regarding your son or daughter whilst at school please contact school and ask for the relevant Pastoral Manager.
The House System
There are four Houses:
Hawking |
Attenborough |
Parks |
Ennis-Hill |
Our House system encourages and develops inter-house competition, such as sports matches and subject competitions generating House points. A cup is presented to the House with the greatest number of points at the end of the school year.
Assemblies and Tutor Time
Every student will have an assembly with their year group once a week. They will celebrate days of national importance, for example world space week and world literacy day. They are also used to celebrate acts of kindness, students who uphold the schools core values, academic achievement and good attendance. They will also complement work carried out during the tutor program.
Each student is placed in a tutor group which will be with other students from the same year group. They follow a carefully designed tutor program for the 4 tutor sessions per week when they are not having an assembly.
Tutor Group Room