Pupils receive thanks for their kindness

Our students have been receiving lovely thank-you letters and messages after their Kindness Letters were received by key workers.
More than 125 students sent letters to staff at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn, the ambulance stations at King’s Lynn and Wisbech, local supermarkets and the residents of Rose Lodge, Wisbech, High Haven, Downham Market; Hickathrift House, Marshland St James and Dove Court in Wisbech.
Letters were also sent to the local branches of Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Iceland and a special display of the letters was created for staff to read.
A thank-you from Iceland supervisor Rachael Copeland said: “Please could you pass on my appreciation for the wonderful letters received from your Year 9 students.. To read these at a time when our staff are very tired, due to the difficult working conditions and longer shifts than usual, was amazing!
“To have taken the time to either type or write these letters shows how kind each and everyone of them are,” she added.
The QEH communications team also sent a special response to the students and it can be watched here https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=527239704852481