Changes to No. 46 Bus Service

Norfolk County Council has informed the school that Stagecoach will be disbanding most of their services in Norfolk, this will including local bus routes and school buses.
This has created a big problem for us after April 30th when the changes begin.
Marshland High School is affected by the No.46 bus. On this route, Stagecoach will be replaced by Lynx Buses, but they do not have the resources to meet the additional school children demand. This left a situation where over 70 students who pay to get on the No.46 every day from Wisbech would have no bus to transport them to and from our school. As these students live outside the school catchment area, neither Norfolk County Council nor Cambridgeshire County Council has an obligation to get them to school.
Nevertheless, Mr Hutton has spoken with Norfolk County Council and have been reassured by their commitment to find a solution to this problem. Below I have summarised the progress they have made.
- A bus will run from Wisbech to Marshland operated by West Norfolk Community Transport (WNCT) and will have seating capacity for 30 seats. This bus will only be available to students with a valid Norfolk County Council pass who are funded by Cambridgeshire County Council because the children are eligible to receive free transport. Norfolk County Council will be writing to these families to advise them of the changes.
- A 70 seater coach will operate from Wisbech Bus Station. What will be different is how students will pay for this (the price will not change). I will confirm this after the Easter break.
This is a situation which has suddenly arisen and we delayed contacting parents until we could at least see a solution emerging. We still have to iron out all the details, but I am now confident that due to the endeavours of Norfolk County Council, we are near to a solution.
Mr Hutton will inform all parents via letter nearer the time when a definite solution has been reached.
To download the letter sent to parents on 28th MArch 2018 please click here.